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On 18 May, 2024, Secondary Five students took part in a Mock Interview Day organized by Po Leung Kuk and the Life Planning & Financial Education Centre. The event aimed to equip students with interview skills in order to enhance their preparedness for admission interviews. Students were divided into groups based on their subject interests, and tutors with expertise in those fields led the interviews. The professional tutors focused on teaching students self-introduction skills using the S.T.A.R. method and improving their performance in group discussions with their valuable feedback.
Students’ comments:
5D Lai N.H
時事討論 我第一次以這種模式討論時事新聞 互相發表自己對此的睇法
自我介紹 亦都學會利用star 去構思自己的講稿
5C Cheung T.C
5A Lee T.C.
我能學習到有關升學面試的技巧(eg 坐直、微笑、多主動、多互動、思考自我介紹如何能符合學科要求)和自我介紹內容的要點(eg STAR, 強項、後天能力)
5C Yee F.A.