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感謝各會員對本會之支持。如對以上宣佈有任何查詢,請致電2109 1133與選舉主任張錦輝老師聯絡。
In the presence of the candidates, committee members of the Parent-Teacher Association and school representatives, the counting of votes for the 12th Alternate Parent Manager By-election was completed on 22 Jan 2025. The results are as follows:
Name of the Candidate: Ms. Zhu Yu, Julie
Numbers of Confidence Votes: 620
Numbers of No-confidence Votes: 185
According to the consultation of the relevant department of the Education Bureau, if the candidate receives more confidence votes than no-confidence votes, the candidate will be nominated for registration as the 12th Alternative Parent Manager. The candidate in this election, Ms. Zhu Yu, Julie, receives more confidence votes than no-confidence votes. Therefore, Ms. Zhu will be nominated for registration as the 12th Alternate Parent Manager. Their term of office is from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2027.
Candidates can appeal in writing within the period of appeal. The period of appeal lasts for one week, from 23 January 2025 (Thursday) to 30 January 2025 (Thursday).
Thank you for your continued support of the Parent-Teacher Association. If there are any queries concerning the above matters, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Cheung Kam Fai, the Election Manager, at 21091133.